Friday, November 21, 2014

The Straw Man Trilogy

The Witch's Son

Washington Irving's Headless Horseman is iconic in American Literature and numbered among the greatest short stories ever written. It's most contemporary claim to fame is the  Sleepy Hollow series currently running on Fox.
     As a fan of short story, and one who is addicted to literature, I've just published my first short in the Horror genre.  The Straw Man Trilogy is a product of a warped imagination. He, (The Straw Man) was birthed in 1629 during the Salem Witch Trials when a witch by the name of Reanna was burned at the stake. Her dying incantation called forth and animated 13 scarecrows, who walked out of the fields while she was burning, to pay homage to the one who had given them life. You can find the initial installment and introduction to the series at:

I would love to hear you comments, critique and suggestions. Please, check it out and lets talk about it.

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