Sunday, November 30, 2014

Steven Strawford?

I have been perusing the writing gig for a few years now and have published a few reads. You will have a hard time finding them because you know me as Steven Strawford. The Author of The Straw Man Trilogy: The Witch's Son.
     Steven Strawford is a pen name that represents something of an alter ego. There is only one other person who knows who I really am. He is a friend who has published several stories with Amazon, on both their Kindle and Create Space formats, as well as landing a deal with a publisher. He is someone whom I hold in high regards as a person and author. He has also opened my eyes to the genre.  I have asked him to read The Witch's Son and offer some constructive criticism.  You may do the same. (Feel free to hit me back with as many Atta Boy's, or Give It Up Dude's... as you feel necessary.) I only want to get better.
     The reason I've chosen a pen name for this venture is multifaceted. (1.) It gives me freedom to write and explore. To step out of my box and push my own envelope. Knowing that if it should bomb, I can bail and no one will know it is me. (2.) I live and function in a world where people would not understand any purpose I may have in writing a trilogy about a scarecrow being possessed by a witch's spirit. Writing under a pen name allows me to remain incognito, during the process.
     For now...I am pleased with the short story being ranked at #57 in category. I am working on the second installment and it promises to have much more content as three worlds will collide. By that I mean...the demonic will be confronted by the angelic as the epic battle of good verses evil continues to be fought out in a world where humans are present.
     Blessings until we meet here again,

Steven Strawford

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